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My most important role in life is being a devout worshiper of Allah (SWT) in all that I do, that includes being the best daughter, sister, wife, daughter-in-law and mother.
My Educational Qualifications include a BA (Hons) in International Business Administration from the UK and an MBA in Finance and E-Commerce from New York, USA.
My Religious Qualifications include (but not restricted to) the following certified courses in Detailed Tafsir of the Quran, Aqeedah, Dawah Methodologies, 40 Ahadeeth & 110 Hadith Qudsi, Arabic Grammar, Seerah, Blessed Bond, Ashratul Mubasheraat, Ummahat ul Mumineen.
My Experience includes teaching the Word to Word Translation of the Quran (in English & Urdu) from 2008. Studied under the able guidance of my Ustadh in Chennai. India.
In addition, I have studied and taught at the Anjuman-E-Himayath E Islam (AHI) Academy, Chennai, India from 2004 onwards.
Nida, Mumbai
As a mother of two I've been trying to reconnect with Islam while I'm constantly distracted by the kids and this Duniya in general.
Arjumand is a cousin and well as a friend. To have her as a teacher has been one of the blessings of Allah.
Unlike other classes I've attended, I have not only gained information about our religion, but I have also been inspired to try to become a better Muslim.
Arjumand is eloquent, approachable and soft in her approach and thats what I enjoy most about attending her classes.
The key to being a good teacher is to teach through example and I think Arjumand has managed that beautifully.
Jazakallah for taking the time to share your knowledge with us and for always being a good influence.
Nazia, Saudi Arabia
My journey began with Arjumand a year ago when I started with the translation of the most valuable book of Allah.
I am in deep admiration of her steadfastness & perseverance to instill Allah's message in us in such an easy and simple manner. Her precision and explicitness in her explanation is outstanding. I feel there is more meaning & direction to life.
I can't thank the Almighty enough for sending her as a great blessing in our lives in pursuit of becoming closer to Him & understanding our most prized possession, The Quran.
Always in deep gratitude to her & may Allah swt bless our dear moalimah with the best of the best in both the worlds. Aameen ThummaAameen
Farrah Sherif, Chennai
Arjumand is a beautiful soul and a wonderful human being, who excels with the trait to connect with people. She is extremely passionate about her work; and that explains the fact that she is a teacher par excellence.
Arjumand has been blessed with the best knowledge of the world –
“UNDERSTANDING OF THE QURAN” but this doesn’t stop her from learning more and more. Inspite of being equipped with so much knowledge, she exhibits a very grounded personality.
She is a very dedicated and an impeccable teacher who not only conveys her knowledge in a lucid style, but also leaves an impact on the learner. For me she is a very inspiring woman.
Her commitment to her work speaks volumes of how passionate she is to share her knowledge with others.
I wish Arjumand all the very best in life, and pray to Allah that she succeeds in whatever she does and scales to greater heights both in this life and the Akhira. Ameen.